Results for 'C. Ljubomir Tadi'

962 found
  1.  9
    Parergon: filozofija, pravo, istorija, politika.C. Ljubomir Tadi - 2002 - Beograd: Filip Višnjiʹc.
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    Katolički idealizam i realizam: studije, kritike, intervjui, članci.Ljubomir Maraković - 2009 - Zagreb: Glas Koncila. Edited by Vladimir Lončarević.
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  3. Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper.Maristella Agosti, Moira Allan, Ágnes Bene, Kathryn L. Braun, Luigi Campanella, Marek Chałas, Cheah Tuck Wing, Dragan Čišić, George Christodoulou, Elísio Manuel de Sousa Costa, Lucija Čok, Jožica Dorniž, Aleksandar Erceg, Marzanna Farnicka, Anna Grabowska, Jože Gričar, Anne-Marie Guillemard, An Hermans, Helen Hirsh Spence, Jan Hively, Paul Irving, Loredana Ivan, Miha Ješe, Isaac Kabelenga, Andrzej Klimczuk, Jasna Kolar Macur, Annigje Kruytbosch, Dušan Luin, Heinrich C. Mayr, Magen Mhaka-Mutepfa, Marian Niedźwiedziński, Gyula Ocskay, Christine O’Kelly, Nancy Papalexandri, Ermira Pirdeni, Tine Radinja, Anja Rebolj, Gregory M. Sadlek, Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner-Yiu, Bernhard Schrefler, Ana Joao Sepúlveda, Giuseppe Stellin, Dušan Šoltés, Adolf Šostar, Paul Timmers, Bojan Tomšič, Ljubomir Trajkovski, Bogusława Urbaniak, Peter Wintlev-Jensen & Valerie Wood-Gaiger - unknown - Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper.
    The precarious rights of senior citizens, especially those who are highly educated and who are expected to counsel and guide the younger generations, has stimulated the creation internationally of advocacy associations and opinion leader groups. The strength of these groups, however, varies from country to country. In some countries, they are supported and are the focus of intense interest; in others, they are practically ignored. For this is reason we believe that the creation of a network of all these associations (...)
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    Permanent Things: Toward the Recovery of a More Human Scale at the End of the Twentieth Century.Andrew A. Tadie & Michael H. Macdonald - 1995 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    "Permanent Things reminds us that some of the century's most imaginative minds - G. K. Chesterton, T. S. Eliot, C. S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, and Evelyn Waugh - were profoundly at odds with the secularist spirit of the age, seeing progressive enlightenment as ushering in, not a millennium of perfect freedom, but a Waste Land whose inhabitants - Waugh's "vile bodies," Eliot's "hollow men," Lewis's "men without chests" - can find refuge from their boredom and anomie only in the ceaseless (...)
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  5. The C.S. Lewis Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to his Life, Thought, and Writings.Colin Duriez, Bruce L. Edwards, Michael H. Macdonald, Andrew A. Tadie & Cynthia Marshall - 1995 - Utopian Studies 6 (2):124-133.
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    "G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis: The Riddle of Joy," edited by Michael H. Macdonald and Andrew A. Tadie; "Letters: C. S. Lewis," by Don Giovanni Calabria. [REVIEW]Jerry Daniels - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (3-4):468-476.
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  7. Oeuvres de Descartes.C. Adam & P. Tannery - 1964 - Paris: Vrin.
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    The virtues of illusion.C. L. Hardin - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 68 (3):371--382.
    What ecological advantages do animals gain by being able to detect, extract and exploit wavelength information? What are the advantages of representing that information as hue qualities? The benefits of adding chromatic to achromatic vision, marginal in object detection, become apparent in object recognition and receiving biological signals. It is argued that this improved performance is a direct consequence of the fact that many animals' visual systems reduce wavelength information to combinations of four basic hues. This engenders a simple categorical (...)
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  9. [no title].C. Fuchs - unknown
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  10. Nonhuman Animals: Not Necessarily Saints or Sinners.C. E. Abbate - 2014 - Between the Species 17 (1):1-30.
    Higher-order thought theories maintain that consciousness involves the having of higher-order thoughts about mental states. In response to these theories of consciousness, an attempt is often made to illustrate that nonhuman animals possess said consciousness, overlooking an alarming consequence: attributing higher-order thought to nonhuman animals might entail that they should be held morally accountable for their actions. I argue that moral responsibility requires more than higher-order thought: moral agency requires a specific higher-order thought which concerns a belief about the rightness (...)
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  11. Lehnert, Martin (2011). Amoghavajra: His Role in and Influence on the Development of Buddhism. In: Orzech, C; Sørensen, H; Payne, R. Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 351-359.Martin Lehnert, C. Orzech, H. Sørensen & R. Payne (eds.) - 2011
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  12. A logical formalization of the OCC theory of emotions.C. Adam, A. Herzig & D. Longin - 2009 - Synthese 168 (2):201-248.
    In this paper, we provide a logical formalization of the emotion triggering process and of its relationship with mental attitudes, as described in Ortony, Clore, and Collins’s theory. We argue that modal logics are particularly adapted to represent agents’ mental attitudes and to reason about them, and use a specific modal logic that we call Logic of Emotions in order to provide logical definitions of all but two of their 22 emotions. While these definitions may be subject to debate, we (...)
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    Traditional African epistemic categories and the question of rationality: A case for reconceptualization.C. O. Akpan - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (2).
  14. Religion and Politics [Signed F.A.C.].A. C. F. & Religion - 1880
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  15. On the paradoxes of self-reference.C. P. Wormell - 1958 - Mind 67 (266):267-271.
  16. Intelektuālās identitātes un vērtības: filosofei Larisai Čuhinai - 100.S. N. Kovalʹchuk & Larisa Čuhina (eds.) - 2015 - Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts.
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    XXXII. Zu Leibniz' Dynamik.C. I. Gerhardt - 1888 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 1 (4):566-581.
  18.  20
    What it’s like, or not like, to Bee.C. Abbate - 2023 - Between the Species 26 (1).
    In his recent work, David DeGrazia (2020) explores the possibility of insect sentience, focusing on bees as a case study. He advances a novel evolutionary approach, arguing that, from an evolutionary perspective, it’s more likely that bees are sentient than insentient., insofar as bees (allegedly) would have a selective advantage if they are motivated—in the form of feeling—to achieve their aims. His argument assumes two questionable claims: (1) if X is a selective advantage for an organism, then the organism likely (...)
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    Проблеми християнської екологічної етики: Аспекти їх дослідження в працях івана павла іі.Cергій Присухін - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:126-133.
    Стаття С. Присухіна «Іван Павло ІІ про логіку діалогу між Католицькою Церквою та ісламом» присвячена філософськобогословським напрацюванням Папи Римського Івана Павла ІІ щодо аналізу змістовних характеристик поняття «діалог між католицизмом і ісламом», а також логіки його здійснення в непростому й суперечливому сьогоденні.
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    Improving reading comprehension strategies through listening.C. Aarnoutse, S. Brand-Gruwel & R. Oduber - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (2):209-227.
    The goal of this study was to determine whether it is possible to teach children with serious decoding problems four text comprehension strategies in listening contexts. The subjects were 9-11 year old students from special schools for children with learning disabilities. All the students were very poor at decoding; half of the group were also poor listeners, whereas the other half consisted of normal listeners. The experimental children were trained in strategies of clarifying, questioning, summarising and predicting through a combination (...)
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  21.  2
    Oriental Wisdom: Its Principles and Practice.C. Alexander - 1924 - C. Alexander Pub. Co.
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  22.  21
    Invitation to Dogmatic Theology: A Canonical Approach – By Paul C. McGlasson.William C. Placher - 2007 - Modern Theology 23 (3):474-477.
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    The role of the parasympathetics in emotions.C. Kling - 1933 - Psychological Review 40 (4):368-380.
  24.  19
    The effects of monocular vision on measures of reading efficiency and perceptual span.C. A. Knehr - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (2):133.
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    Buffon et la description de la nature. Louis Roule.C. Kofoid - 1935 - Isis 23 (1):264-265.
  26. Translating stories across cultures.C. Korn - 1997 - Education and Culture 41 (1).
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    Živo i život.Vladimir Koščević - 1991 - Zagreb: Kulturno-prosvjetni sabor Hrvatske. Edited by Srboljub Stojanović.
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    The Nature of moral duties: Scanlon's contractualist.C. Y. Kwong & 江祖胤 - 1999 - Theoria 65:25-35.
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  29. Neuerscheinungen zum Thema Nietzsche und die Musik.C. Landerer - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:440.
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    Strict, causal, and material propositions.C. H. Langford & Marion Langford - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (8):237-239.
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  31. Singular propositions.C. H. Langford - 1928 - Mind 37 (145):73-81.
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    Usage.C. H. Langford - 1964 - Journal of Philosophy 61 (6):181-186.
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    Ushenko A. P.. Predication of existence. The journal of philosophy, vol. 33 , pp. 408–412.C. H. Langford - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):57-58.
  34. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 166, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IX.C. H. Lawrence - 2011
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    Coping with Choices to Die.C. G. Prado - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines the reactions of the friends and family of those who elect to die due to terminal illness. These surviving spouses, partners, relatives, and friends, in addition to coping with the death of a loved one, must also deal with the loved one's decision to die, thus severing the relationship. C. G. Prado examines how reactions to elective death are influenced by cultural influences and beliefs, particularly those related to life, death, and the possibility of an afterlife. Understanding (...)
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  36.  13
    Aspectus Et Affectus: Essays and Editions in Grosseteste and Medieval Intellectual Life in Honor of Richard C. Dales.Richard C. Dales - 1993 - Ams Pressinc.
    The 65th year of a scholar who has devoted 40 years to editing and elucidating Robert Grosseteste provides us with a collection of essays. Not surprisingly, they emanate from colleagues and former students of Richard Dales and reflect his interest, among other concerns, in Grosseteste's aspectus et affectus - range of vision and disposition of mind - those twin peaks with which the 13th century thinker helped to get Christian thought through Aristotle without mutual destruction.
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  37. Coleridge and the History of Western Civilization, C. 4004 BC-500 AD.C. de Paolo - 1985 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 14 (2).
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    Francis Knight Ballaine 1906-1964.C. W. G. - 1965 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 39:114 - 115.
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  39. Intelligent design psychology and evolutionary psychology on consciousness: Turning water into wine.C. Grace & James P. Moreland - 2002 - Journal of Psychology and Theology 30 (1):51-67.
  40. The ethics of oncofertility: a clinical perspective.C. Gracia - 2010 - In Teresa Woodruff, Lori Zoloth, Lisa Campo-Engelstein & Susan Rodriguez, Oncofertility: Reflections from the Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer.
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    II. Die truppencorps in Arrian’s marschordnung gegen die Alanen.C. L. Grotefend - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 26 (1-4):18-28.
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  42. Wissen und Glauben.C. Güttler - 1894 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 38:541-542.
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  43. Religionspsychologie.C. Gutberlet - 1911 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 24:147-176.
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    Pausanias: Past, present, and closure.C. Habicht - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52:494-499.
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  45. Transparence/opacité: contribution à une étude de la contrastivité lexicale français-anglais, dans une perspective didactique in Projet contrastif français-anglais.C. Haeusser & D. Hirst - 1987 - Contrastes 14:279-283.
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  46. Logical positivism and scientific theory.C. D. Hardie - 1938 - Mind 47 (186):214-225.
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    Meaningful Work.C. E. Harris - 2002 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1):81-87.
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    31. SalL. Lug. 73, 2. 93, 8.C. Hartung - 1882 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 41 (1-4):543-544.
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  49. The End of the Mind-Body Problem.C. Harriman - 1988 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 10 (3):48-56.
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    18. Zu Publilius Syrus.C. Hartung - 1877 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 37 (1-4).
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